Monday, May 28, 2012

It's official! Anna is going to be a big sister!

Our news is officially official. We went Facebook public with the announcement of our growing family on May 22nd.  Our little blog did such a great job of keeping loved ones informed on the coming of our little Anna-bug. So now, of course - we're back to blogging! (Aren't you excited?!)

And for those of you not on Facebook, this was Don's latest update on the newest member of our clan: The deets: Amanda is due Nov 28th, she just hit 13 wks so we should be smooth sailing into the 2nd tri and baby is the size of a shrimp. Just a normal shrimp, not one of those gigantic shrimp cocktail. Anyway we are starting up the old blog soon and will keep everyone posted! (wasn't it nice of him to warn everyone about the blog? Yeah - I thought so too.)

As of today, I'm officially 14 weeks along and new Baby is about the size of a lemon. Which is probably just a coincidence, but I've been craving tart things lately. One of the first questions people ask when they discover/uncover/reveal that you're preggers - besides 'when are you due?' is 'have you had any cravings?'. Well - first trimester all I could think about was donuts. I think I did a pretty good job limiting my time at Dunkin Donuts and I may have even made it past that there's-no-way-they-can-actually-be-what-my-body-needs craving. Although, admittedly, I am familiar with their Men in Black 3 products and think that entire partnership is kind of genius (and delicious - picture below)
Yummy, right? But thankfully, my unstoppable cravings have started to focus more on things like lemonade, salt and vinegar potato chips, pickles, relish & mustard (on hotdogs) - really, just anything tart. And soft serve ice cream (unrelated). This is not a typical pickles & ice cream preggo story. Although - I really wouldn't be surprised if that comes in about a week or two.

And really - that's all the news and updates we have for the moment. Maybe even more than you really wanted to know - but thanks a bunch for tuning in with us and caring enough about us Bratschies to read our blog. We have some of the best friends in the whole world!  :)

Love and hugs!

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