Sunday, March 3, 2013

attn: grandparents - it's the 3 month photo shoot.

blogspot visitorat least this one is one time, yes?  ;)

I was hoping to get the kiddos together, but sissy was napping and I was not about to wake her for a photoshoot. I'll post some more with her later - maybe in a few days...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Family Photo Shoot - Courtesy of Amy Coles Photography

here's some awesome photos the talented Amy Coles took of the entire clan. i can't wait to get some of these up in my house! 

blogspot visitor

attn: grandparents - it's bo's 2nd month photo shoot

blogspot visitornot sure why I haven't uploaded any of these photos yet, but want to make sure i'm posting one for every month. here's Bo's photos from last month.

yes, the slippers were absolutely necessary.
this kid was meant to be a model. look how naturally he looks away from the camera...

here he's kicking at me. don't worry, it's all in good fun - i didn't get hurt.
it's true - i make some cute kids. don helped.

finally giving one of her gorgeous smiles...
this one isn't from that photo shoot, but i just couldn't resist. it's his monster outfit. he's perfectly chubs. even in his monster outfit.