Sunday, September 30, 2012

Excitement! And lots of work...

It's official! We're homeowners! We closed last Thursday, but the past week or so has been a blur of cleaning, small projects, moving parties, meeting great new neighbors and harnessing a toddler - just now getting around to updating our baby blog.

We were able to take a bit of a respite last night to go to a dear friend's birthday party. Wow - I needed that.  ;)

And now back to the moving grind. We have most of our boxes of stuff at the house now, huge thanks to several friends that generously volunteered their time, packing skills, labor and SUVs. Today is the day for moving the big furniture with a rented zip van. And this is where me and my low-lying placenta kindly bow out of the moving adventure. I'll be taking Annalee to see some of her buddies at church this morning and then working on the new house - hoping to work on the bedrooms a bit today. Get that ready for us to really get settled in. Pictures to come.

I'm not sure I can even express how happy I am that all of us are going to be in one house again. It was just way too hard to be spread out in two different locations. A huge shout out to our friends that helped us move. We seriously could not do this without them.

About our sweet little Bo - he's doing great. He's already turned and his head is lying really low - creating some interesting standing/sitting/laying down positions for me. The placenta is still low too - but our next ultrasound won't happen until early November - at that point, my talented doctor will determine if I need a c-section or how would should approach this delivery.

We're all excited for little Bo's arrival. I'm hoping we have enough time to get his bedroom in order before he's born. And Annalee is started to talk about being a big sister - she's going to be awesome.  ;)

Love and hugs, all!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Ridiculously Ambiguous Ultrasound Pic & Other Updates

I know it's been a bit since we've last posted. We've had lots going on - just like everyone else - but for some reason, without really having any 'news' to share, it didn't seem too important to give updates. So basically, our current status is the same. We're waiting. Waiting for my placenta to stop lying low. Waiting for Baby Bo to be born. Waiting to close on the house we want to buy. Waiting to find what's next. Waiting. (So thank you for stopping by and reading about our waiting...)

Because of my low-lying placental issue, I need monthly ultrasounds so the docs can stay on top of the issue. One of my regular ultrasounds was this morning. Mostly uneventful - but Bo did kick the tech once or twice - she wasn't impressed (for the record: I was impressed). My tech was chatty and nice though. But we still don't know if the placenta is officially covering the cervix or just laying low. Either way - I'll probably be back and get some more pictures and keep an eye on things. If the placenta doesn't move up, I'll be scheduling a C-section. Not really a warm & fuzzy thought - so keep my placenta situation in your prayers, eh?

The bonus of having to get so many ultrasounds is all the cute pics of in-utero Bo that we get. There was only one from our photo shoot this morning though. And, as the title of this post would imply, it's ridiculously ambiguous. I doubt a seasoned ultrasound tech would even be able to discern that they're looking at an OB ultrasound. Maybe a kidney or something. Regardless, it's posted here for your viewing 'pleasure'...

Now about the house situation: The closing date and time has finally been set for this coming Thursday morning, 9/20. This has been a very long time coming - we had put our original offer in back in early July. The home inspection found a few items that needed to be addressed, but the seller has been decent enough and the required modifications have been made - thus taking even more time. We've been spending most of our time lately talking about paint colors and how we're going to get everything done before Bo is born (especially as that timing-window keeps getting smaller due to this home-buying thing being such a long process).

We also just bought a new mattress! Oh the excitement of being a grown-up...

As for our plans for this weekend? We're going to take it easy and rest. The real work begins next weekend.

Love and Hugs!