Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween Baby!

We enjoyed quite the party on Saturday night at our friends, the Tjepkema's. They are from Michigan originally but we still like them. They even had the Michigan State game on but I did a good job of avoiding it - I still have a hard time with that green. I still have nightmares from that dreadful 1998 game and Kevin Ruth singing 58 yards and a cloud of dust. To no avail. But I digress.

We love those Tjep's and the awesome entertainer and hostess that Lindsay is - she would make Martha, Julia, and your grandmother proud! She had wonderfully delightful ghoulish treats and Amanda got a nice sugar buzz from it all. We also saw our best friends in another life, the Johnson's... Michelle is 8 months now and we got some great motivation and tips from them! Thanks Johnson's!

Well here we are... I introduced Amanda all night as "my pregnant wife", hence the bun in the oven...

I would then go on to say that yes, I actually baked both of the buns. Cute but possibly inappropriate. Who knows. We had fun. I sang Thriller. And I had the HOTTEST date in the room. (Cause of course we can heat her up to 550 degrees F.) Oh, and she really is hot.

So the decorations are down and the oven is in the trash and we have set our sights on the upcoming holiday season and we are both excited for all the festivities and fall baking and cooking yet to come from our other oven as I dream up new and fun ways to feed my wonderful wife and baby.

Oh, and I want to share my current favorite verse... I just love this and it make me feel less like I might screw this kid up...

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

He may not be a prophet, but God KNOWS him and has a PLAN for him!

Many Blessings from the Bratschie's!

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