Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HDBD Stall Tactic

Well, the Hump-Day-Bump-Day shirt has gone missing. Who knows where it is. So even though I KNOW you tuned in to see the bump get just another stage larger, you will have to settle for my ramblings...

I realized yesterday how much we still have to learn. This was the big ultrasound and our biggest fear going into it was that we would accidently find out the gender, since we have officially decided not to find out (that it is a boy to be named Boaz). "Overheard on the Street" would have done good to hang out at our Doc's office with us....

Tech: See that big black void? That is the bladder.
Amanda: That explains a LOT!
(Don and technician exchange a puzzled look)
Amanda (obviously feeling bad for us not understanding): You know cause I have to pee ALL the time.
Don: Honey, that's the Baby's bladder....
Amanda: Ohhhhhhh

She is a cutie but she and I have lots to learn. Later back in the waiting room...

Don: He was flailing his arms and legs but just wouldn't flip over.
Amanda: She
Don: He
Amanda: She
Don (muffled whisper): he
Stranger next to us chuckles and draws our attention.
Stranger: Sorry, that just sounds all too familiar!

So I guess many couples argue about such things. Truthfully I want to be able to call Baby something other than Baby. Maybe it is my deep disdain for Dirty Dancing. Who knows. And "he" just has a nice ring to it. Well, only 4 more months and we will know for sure!

Stay tuned - hump day bump day photo will come late tonight. I actually have a date with that hot pregnant woman I live with.

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