Sunday, October 11, 2009

How am I feeling?

I'm asked this question probably more than any other question.  Well - how am I feeling?  Honestly - it depends on when you catch me.  I'm almost always nauseous first thing in the morning - at least until I get a little something in my stomach.  My personal theory is that the blood sugars get thrown way off when my stomach is empty and that's what leaves me feeling queasy.  Of course, it could just be tiny unicorns in my belly poking holes in the lining of my quease-barrier...

Besides that "I'm-about-to-puke-but-only-in-the-morning" business, I'm feeling great! Well, that and I've been learning lately that I actually have to schedule in down time every once and again.  Or have a series of mental breakdowns.  Whichever.

We have such a full schedule all the time.  I'm so used to it that I don't stop to think if I've rested enough - or thought about nothing in particular enough.   Or even built time into our schedule to do laundry enough.  And it really only seems to be catching up to me lately - there have been a couple of days in the past week or two that were particularly rough.  When I got home at the end of the day, I kicked off my shoes and went straight to sleep - barely even saying "hi" or "good night" to Don.  Poor guy.  So, yes - I'm queasy in the morning and I'm learning to slow down and work some downtime in my life now.  And that's how I'm feeling. 
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