Monday, October 26, 2009

Ultrasounds are awesome... and a funny story

The "big" ultrasound is tomorrow.  Yep - this is theeee big appointment that we've been waiting for for almost two months now!  I'm SO EXCITED!!!  This little photo shoot is where doc checks out how Baby is developing and looks for all kinds of that fun developmental stuff.  Have I told you how excited I am for this appointment?  If you're the praying type, pray for all kind of good news.  {thank you!}

No - we're still not going to find out if Baby is a boy or a girl - but along those lines I have a fairly humorous story to share that happened at work.  Because some co-workers may read this, I'm leaving it anonymous.  This seriously happened...

Other person: (while swatting at my growing belly) What's that?

Me: um - a Baby.

Other person: I know that!  I mean "WHAT IS IT?"

Me: Do you mean, "is it a boy or a girl?"

Other person: YEAH! 

Me: Well, we've decided not to find out.

Other person: Well - that's your choice.

Me: Um yes, you're right - it is.

That's right - I can't make this stuff up, people.  It's very "office-esque" isn't it?  Awkward...
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