Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The "Big" Ultrasound

We had our "big" ultrasound this morning.  This is the one where doc and the tech were supposed to be able to see everything that was going on with Baby and my uterus/placenta/other relevant organs/parts.

At first, Baby was moving, kicking and practically somersaulting up a storm!  It was so cool to see all that movement because I'm still not really feeling that much - it's wonderful reassurance that we're on track and everything is progressing happily.

However, after we got going and got a few of the key measurements and pictures in, Baby decided to settle down... face down... and stay there.  It's good to know that Baby is already a lot like Momma - stubborn.  Baby wouldn't move for anything.  We even took a little break where I got up and moved around - did some jumping jacks, toe touches, side bends... heck!  I even had an impromptu dance party of just me and Baby!  But no - nothing except kicking legs and pushing arms around.  {sigh}
Doc said that we have to come back in two weeks to try again because they're still missing vital information.

At any rate - here's the few pics that were able to get at this photo shoot (aka ultrasound).  Enjoy!

My favorite is the little foot (second from the top)...

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