Friday, October 2, 2009

Latest Checkup - 10/1

We had our monthly checkup yesterday morning.  It was what they call a "belly check".   I just go in, pee in a cup (they check it for potential problems), get weighed (up a few pounds from last month), and wait for the doc to come in and make sure Baby and I are doing great.

This time we had Dr. Chen.  He was quite personable and very funny.  He commended me on using the old hairtie-wrapped-around-the-button-hole trick.  And then - he pulled out this special "heartbeat listening" device so that we could hear Baby's heartbeat!

The first heartbeat we heard while that thing was on my belly was my own.  lub. lub. lub.  We heard my heartbeat through my belly - cool.  Doc found Baby's heartbeat shortly after that.  Baby's heartbeat was much quicker and not quite as loud - Doc guestimated Baby's heartbeat at 140 beats per minute!  Wow, that's quick!  :)

Then, to top it all off - I got my first ever flu shot!  Yay for parental preparedness!  :)  But - my arm is still sore.  :(
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1 comment:

  1. Flu shot is a great thing, I hope daddy don is getting one also. We've been getting them for about 17 yrs now.
