Thursday, December 31, 2009

If it walks like a duck...

So - it's official.  I'm waddling now.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm just that big now or if it's because I was blessed with some lovely side-effect of pregnancy, which I'll discreetly call PS.

PS is a very painful side effect, and it feels like someone is tearing me apart at my legs.  ewww.  But, the good news is that I only notice it when I stand for long periods of time, or walk.  It has something to do with the hormones that loosen up your bones to make room for the baby to get out when it's time.  Apparently 1 in 300 pregnant women deal with this thing.  And honestly, because I have a desk job and don't really have to walk too much, it's not completely terrible.  But it's not really helping me to get any exercise in, or reduce the obviousness of my waddle.

Looks like I'll be ducky for the next 3-4 months...  quack! 

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hump Day Bump Day! (12/16)

And since it's been so long since our last comparison, here's the first photo again:

Wow.  I can't believe I was ever that small...
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Updates and Thingamabobs

Don and I just finished watching Julie & Julia - it was a great flick.  And for those of you that don't know - it has to do with cooking... and blogging.  The main character in the movie was a much more dedicated blogger than us Bratschies though.  But alas, thanks for hanging in there with us and checking back everyone once and again to see what's new.

So - be warned, I was inspired to write another blog entry.  And I fear it will be a lot at once.  You might want to tackle this post in sittings.  Anyway - here's what's new:

The biggest news is that we've decided to build an extra room into our loft space instead of moving.  We really love our home.  It's a great fit for us and I have a hard time imagining us moving anywhere else.  If you've ever been in our place, the nursery/den will be where the dining room currently is.  A good friend of ours drew up some plans for us on what the new room will look like, we just have to find some contractors to put in drywall and schedule it all to be done after the Holidays and before Baby gets here.

Also, I'm at 26 weeks now - if you don't feel like figuring it out, that's 6.5 months!  And I'm constantly at the point where I don't think I could get any bigger.  For anyone that's already had kids - I'm sure you think this is just adorable...

Baby is kicking all the time too.  It's really cool to feel Baby moving around inside.  A lot of people have asked me if it hurts - and to be honest, I'm not sure if it will when I get closer to delivery, but it sure hasn't yet.  It feel more like bubbles moving around - or like my stomach is growling, except there's no actual hunger pangs. 

I just had to change my footwear too.  I used a DSW reward coupon to order myself a cute pair of flat boots.  Not as sassy as my heeled boots, but still cute.  I think I might just wear them every single day.  They have an easy zipper too - makes getting them on and off actually something that I can do.  (I'm starting to get to the point where I can't touch my feet anymore - the baby bump is just that big - like I said I'm always convinced that I just can't get any bigger...)

I've also started to rely on some new things to help me keep it together during this time that Baby and me are spending together prenatally.  I might do separate posts on each of these things - which would help me get back in the habit of blogging and keeping folks informed on the Baby Bratschie happenings, but here's a list just to get started: a neti pot, momma bee belly cream, aveeno moisturizing lotion and regularly changing my toothbrush.  The belly cream and lotion are probably obvious - my skin (particularly on the belly) is stretching out and in order to avoid dry, itchy skin - I need to keep it constantly moisturized.  The neti pot and new toothbrushes are my way of avoiding getting sick.  Because us preggos can't really take cold medicine or even sinus spray - and because my immune system is particularly susceptible to all things contagious right now - I'm doing everything I can to help my immune system out.  And if you don't know what a neti pot is - don't worry, I'll definitely blog about that all on its own.  You'll love it.
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Monday, December 7, 2009

25 Weeks! What's a Rutabaga?

As of Friday, Baby is roughly the weight of a rutabaga - or 1.5 lbs.  I know, I know - what exactly is a rutabaga anyway?  Although it's interesting to say/write - I'm not exactly sure anyway.

But I did score a cool picture from that babycenter slideshow.  Here it is:

So - we know it's big.  And in the family of turnips.  And for anyone who has some extra time on their hands, I even found some recipes online for rutabaga.


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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hump Day Bump Day! (12/2)

We missed HDBD last week - I think I was in a turkey-induced coma, or maybe we were overcome with black friday deals...
Anyway - we're back and on track again.

Here's proof that Baby's in there - rattling around:

Can you believe I'm only at 6 months?  Sheesh.