Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Costumes on a time-budget....

So we've obviously been a little busy recently. Quick & easy Halloween costumes were a must - if we were going to do it at all. We decided to go to a special fall event held by our church called Fallapalooza - that was yesterday. Cool name, right? The event was awesome too. Anyway - Annalee wanted to be a kitty cat and I found a great idea for a home-made maternity t-shirt online. Both costumes were quick and simple - with minimal cost (picked up everything at Target, except fabric paint - found that at a one-off trip to Walmart. (Total cost for both costumes about $20). What's not to love about that, right?

Anyway - here are some pictures of us in our fun costumes this year:

Annalee in the costume contest - worried about the mud in the field...

side view of her super cute kitty cat whiskers

this is my favorite picture of my favorite kitty cat

here we were trying to take the picture ourselves using the self-timer. kitty cats don't quite understand what ten seconds is...

here we managed to get Don to take our picture together

close up of the t-shirt. you can't really see it, but Bo is wearing a tie (blue paint). Cute, no?  ;)

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