I think my last post ended with Bo squirming and wiggling his way into my heart. Into all of our hearts. Then we were taken to the "taking care of mommies and babies" wing of the baby delivering floor of the hospital. I remember waiting quite a bit for that to happen - think several hours longer than usual. But it paid off - I got my own room and didn't have to share with anyone (score).
The recovering portion was largely standard. For anyone out there who has already had a baby - you know how it goes... start walking a bit once the epidural wears off, eating anything and everything you can get your hands on, and drinking more water than you ever thought possible. Ever.
I bounced back a lot sooner with this pregnancy than I did the first time around. I think most of that has to do with the fact that it wasn't my first time around. My body was kind of like "oh - hey, yeah. i know what to do... I'll take it from here." I was walking on my own almost right away, but felt kind of like I had just had the flu for a couple of days - my stomach muscles and entire body was just so sore from having pushed so hard to get my little guy out on his own. And my left foot was sore from pushing against the stirrups - I couldn't feel my foot at the time because of the epidural, but was apparently not in the stirrups all the way when I was pushing. Hence, the crazy sore on the bottom of my foot. That's seriously one of the weirder war wounds from this delivery experience.
The rest of that day was quiet and restful. The hubs and mom did their best to keep Annalee occupied and happy while tending to any needs I had and getting some quality snuggles in with the new arrival. (And some diaper changes too - I recovered quickly this time around, but I'm not too proud to get help with diaper changes). Because I was the only one in my room, Don was able to stay in the extra bed - it was nice to have him around for all sorts of "fresh from the womb" goodness with the little guy.
The next day, however, was pretty much chaos. It seems like everyone was stopping by for various reasons. My OB was checking on me and making sure I was recovering in fine style - and also to circumcise our little guy. The pediatrician stopped by to check on Bo. Lab stopped by for various blood work from both of us. The hospital photographer stopped by to get some newborn shots of Bo. The social worker or whoever she was stopped by with paperwork for Bo's birth certificate and other newborn paperwork. The lactation consultant came by to make sure everything was going well with breastfeeding. The list goes on...
Here are some pictures from the hospital photographer. We got a fun little goodie bag of newborn stuffs, like diapers and this funky hat - had to use the hat in the photos. Although - glad we have some without it too...
giving his best "sleepy" look |
in one of his favorite blankets |
don't look at the camera... |
getting some snuggles from the daddy. |
he looks great on his right side. ;) |
best big sister. |
i love this little guy. |
she's just so happy to help with Bo. love her! |
And it's in the middle of this chaos and after Bo's circumcision (which I asked Don go with to watch - poor guy), that we learned Bo's bilirubin count was kind of high - meaning he was at risk for jaundice. We were hoping to get discharged that night, so we agreed to take him for his well-baby check the next day and get his billi checked again. Little did we know what a huge impact his bilirubin count would have on our lives over the next few days.
We were finally successfully discharged that night around 9:30 PM. Talk about a whirlwind day. Largely restless too - for everyone. When we got home, we put Bo in his bassinet right away. He slept for 5 hours straight the first night. He's a good baby.
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