Monday, July 2, 2012

Baby's First Photo Shoot!

blogspot visitorAfter much waiting, we finally had our very first ultrasound of our newest little bundle of joy!

The first few frames don't really look like anything - not very recognizable (at least not to me). I even thought the third one looked like a thumbs up - until I read the caption "foot". Hmmm... good thing I'm not an ultrasound tech.

We asked the tech to keep the gender a secret. We're still not sure if and how we want to find out the answer to the big question: girl or boy? So for now, the answer to that question is safely tucked away in an envelope. And the last I saw, said envelope was "safely" tucked away in Don's pocket.

So - how are things going overall, you ask? Well - so far, so good. I'm feeling pretty good in my second trimester. Made it past the nausea and overall exhaustion of the first trimester as of a few weeks ago. I'm not so terribly huge that I'm confined to maternity clothes yet - but they sure are comfier than my non-maternity duds.

And Annalee is excited for her little baby sibling. We talk about how babies are different from big girls and she's a big girl now. And that mommy is growing a baby in her belly. She talks to Baby and gives it hugs and kisses. She gets confused sometimes though and thinks that everyone is growing babies in their bellies. Most notably, that SHE is growing a baby in her belly. Funny? Yes. But we try not to encourage it (for obvious reasons).

Also - for anyone that knows how our current place is laid out - yes, we know it's small. We're hoping to be in a bigger place before Baby comes along in November, but I know we can make it work at our current address if we need to. After all, they ("they" being the Beatles, of course...) say that all you need is love, right? (And a couple dozen newborn diapers... and maybe some earplugs???)

And now, without further adieu, a close-up of my favorite picture from this morning's photo shoot:

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