Monday, July 23, 2012

Taking It Easy...

It's been a chill weekend for us Bratschies - well, at last 3/4ths of us. Don is sailing the Hook race this weekend so Anna, In-Utero Bo and I have been operating sans Don. And although Don has probably been working up a sweat in this blistering hit and nasty humidity, the rest of us have been kicking back and relaxing. We had a day at the Children's Museum - and another day at the park - but mostly we've been staying inside and catching up on Madagascar (again) and Little Einsteins (also, again). Annalee even had her very first root beer float! I think she preferred the ice cream to the root beer though.

Annalee building a skyscraper at the Children's Museum (with her friend, Abel - not pictured)

The heat isn't the only thing influencing us to take it easy, I found out late last week that Bo & I are dealing with low-lying placenta. The doctors don't seem too worried about it - apparently it usually corrects itself within a few months. However, it can cause some big problems if it doesn't move by the time Bo is ready to make his grand entrance - possibly blocking the birth canal and forcing a c-section. As a result of this news, I've learned that I need to keep a slow tempo until the placenta can get its ducks in a row.  (Done and done.)

Also - Bo & I are at 22 weeks! We're in spaghetti squash territory in terms of growth and produce. And for some reason, I've been feeling pretty tired the past week or so - I'm pretty sure he's having a growth spurt. I guess that's another reason to take it easy. ;)

Another thing to note: this boy is KICKIN'! I was joking with Don that I don't even know if I'll have the chance to birth him - I think he'll punch and kick his way out of my womb before my water even has a chance to break.  He kicks hard too... good boy - as long as he doesn't hurt his momma.

On the homefront - we still have a house on the line right now - but don't have an official closing date set yet. In spite of the limbo, we're excited to have room to grow and happy about the possibility. Waiting & growing (some of us, literally)...

1 comment:

  1. Umm...what's this about "having a house on the line"? What's happening and where are you going? I miss you and must see you soon!
