Monday, July 30, 2012

Bo's 2nd Photo Shoot (AKA More ultrasound pics...)

After spending a couple of hours waiting to be seen, we finally got into the ultrasound room. We also agreed never to bring Annalee with us to a doctor's appointment that's not for her again. So unfair for her - two year olds aren't meant to wait in doctor's offices.

The ultrasound tech was patient with all three of us and took her time getting all the needed measurements. The good news is that we were able to get some decent profile shots of in utero Bo looking his best. The bad news is that the placenta is still pretty low - the tech didn't want to talk about it with us (not that I can blame her), but told me to discuss it with my doctor. So - more on that as we go along and learn more.

But for now - the moment you've all been waiting for...


Top to Bottom: Feet, Profile, Profile, "It's-a-Boy!"
I managed to scan the pics in so I could show them in super extra large size too.  You're welcome.  ;)

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