Friday, July 13, 2012

Daddy's first post (this time around)

Well, Amanda works now and I am Mr. Mom and I get those few blissful hours in the afternoon when Anna is napping so I guess I need to start carrying my weight on the blog posting...
Let's talk gender. And gender parties. I know - sounds kinda weird right? But not to worry... we are going to have a pretty original gender party at our place tonight!

So readers of this blog undoubtedly saw Amanda's post last week - "that new baby's" first photo shoot. Don't worry - you won't be able to tell if it is a boy or girl from those ultrasound pics. We decided to be surprised with Anna but this time we have too much planning to do. We are in the process of moving into a house (after 5 years of condo living this will be our first real house with real grass!!!!) and we need to figure out if we need separate rooms for the kids, etc. Soooo... two people know the gender right now. The tech who put it in the envelope, and the Whole Foods baker who got that envelope and is putting pink or blue icing inside the cake we cut into tonight at the gender party (see, its not nearly as weird as it sounded, huh?)  I'm kinda pulling for a boy but believe God decided to surround me with girls my whole life for a reason... sigh... I will never have my own space.
We will post an update this weekend with the answer... pink or blue? Take your guess now!
blogspot visitor

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