Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LARGE and in charge...

Bo that is. Not me. About being in charge. Although I guess we're kind of large together...

Things are going well in the Bratschie house. Momma Mags is visiting to help us prep for Bo and things are winding down in the nesting process here. Gearing up for the waiting game and all the fun little "honey, wake up!" moments that happen a thousand times in the middle of the night.

Starting last weekend (after my cousin's gorgeous wedding weekend - our family is awesome), baby Bo seemed to grow exponentially. The fundus grew 3 cm to 38 cm. And now he's officially ginormous. Everyone that sees me (seriously everyone - neighbors, friends, co-workers, strangers on the street) tells me that the baby has dropped. But he hasn't according to my doctor. Which just means that he's growing lower too and straight forward - and have I mentioned exponentially?

At this point (38.5 weeks along), I'm just hoping to have him while he's still able to wear newborn size onesies. Game on, Bo - I'm ready. The waiting game has begun.


  1. How fun. I just had my little man on the 5th. He was 9 days early so I will be praying your little Bo comes quickly!!

    1. I saw that you just had your little guy on FB! How exciting!
