Thursday, March 11, 2010

The waiting game...

So, we're at just under 39 weeks now and Baby could technically come along ANY MINUTE. I've even been experiencing a lot of pre-labor symptoms. I don't want to get too detailed here in case it's a little too personal for someone that might be reading this, but let's just say that my body is already getting started for this event. It's such a weird and mixed bag of emotions too. You know - the standards:
  • I don't want to be pregnant anymore - this roly poly lifestyle is starting to get the best of me...
  • I'm super excited to find out if Baby is a girl or a boy
  • Most importantly, I'm excited to meet my baby for the first time and hold and cuddle Baby
So - I'm working from home while I try to get all the loose ends at work tied up. But as great as it is to stay in maternity sweat pants all day, I really do miss going into the office and I miss seeing all my work friends.  :(
It's great to stay busy though and takes my mind off the backaches and general crampiness of pre-labor.

I'm up for any ideas you might have on how to get Baby to come sooner than later. I've been drinking water like it's my job - AND I walk reasonable distances whenever possible... even do some prenatal yoga from time to time! Feel free to share any ideas you might have for helping this event get started...

And just in case Baby reads this {wink, wink}: Come on out when you're ready, Baby:  We love you and we're excited to meet you!  :)

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