Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hump Day Bump Day! (3/3/10)

Holy dropping babies, Batman!  Check out how low Baby is now!


This may not look that low until you compare it to earlier pictures, like the one from just LAST WEEK:
Wow!  So the word on the street (AKA - knowledge from Momma Mags) is that first babies come out roughly about three weeks after they drop.  This one is officially dropped.  That puts me guesstimating the grand arrival at roughly my due date!  YAY!

For anyone not in the know - we're officially due on March 19th.  However, we just found out that if Baby does make a grand entrance by March 23rd, we're going to go in for an induction.  Not too bad, Baby.  Just come on out when you're ready - any minute now...

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