And, yes - we DO realize that this isn't really a hump day. It was taken on a Saturday...
We really thought that we should do one last final HDBD photo. Not only is this one really big baby - but the hardest thing for me to believe is how small I was before this baby got so stinkin' huge!
And now, without further adieu - the final HDBD
And, of course, the first ever HDBD. Try not to let your jaw hit the floor...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Really Nothing to do with Pregnancy
But still pretty cool, so I had to share...
The other morning, Don was making us some BrMuffin sandwiches for breakfast. (Pronounced BrrrrMuffin - it's our version of the Egg McMuffin, and oh so much better!)
And he actually found a double-yolk egg! Can you believe the luck?! Of course, I took a picture of it for our blog. Enjoy!
So - this may not be the best picture, but you can kind of see, the one yolk that's still intact - and the one that accidentally broke right before I could waddle over to take the picture. Fun, right?!

The other morning, Don was making us some BrMuffin sandwiches for breakfast. (Pronounced BrrrrMuffin - it's our version of the Egg McMuffin, and oh so much better!)
And he actually found a double-yolk egg! Can you believe the luck?! Of course, I took a picture of it for our blog. Enjoy!
So - this may not be the best picture, but you can kind of see, the one yolk that's still intact - and the one that accidentally broke right before I could waddle over to take the picture. Fun, right?!
Dixie Cups are like Duct tape
You can use them for ANYTHING.
My pals at work have started to put some money down - placing bets on when Baby will get here - winner takes all.
Here's the kitty:
Aren't they fabulous?! I laughed so hard when I first saw this. I think the pot is up to a whopping $4.86 now. I can't wait to hear who finally wins. :)
Oh - and PS - still no Baby yet...

My pals at work have started to put some money down - placing bets on when Baby will get here - winner takes all.
Here's the kitty:
Aren't they fabulous?! I laughed so hard when I first saw this. I think the pot is up to a whopping $4.86 now. I can't wait to hear who finally wins. :)
Oh - and PS - still no Baby yet...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
still preggers... and some venting...
and just waiting it out at this point.
So here's the venting:
When I'm out in public, it's common for some stranger to ask me when I'm due. I've learned to stop saying "any minute now..." because they ALWAYS respond with "please don't have your baby here". (It's become obvious that really no one wants to watch a stranger have her baby in public).
Our first experience with that was the Target check-out line. I thought it was funny and blogged about it with good humor. Since then, it's happened much more frequently - in restaurants and even in the elevator at my weekly OB checkup. Almost everyone in the elevator got in on that one, much to my dismay. I'm not sure if these people are joking around with me and just not funny, or if they seriously think that I could go from zero to sixty in the course of 18 floors in a super fast and smooth elevator ride (about 20 seconds). And if they honestly think that just asking me not to have my baby would be sufficient enough for me to be able to hold it in until they're a safe distance away...
And I think the most offensive part is that they assume that I would really like to have my baby there (wherever there is) right with them. Yep - being in labor in a moving elevator with 6 strangers, none of which were doctors, sounds like an ideal birth story to me (or the Target checkout, or the local brunch spot, etc)... how about you?
So now, when people ask me when I'm due, I usually tell them that I'm not due for at least another week. Which is kind of true. But I have a feeling I'll keep telling them that if Baby's still hanging in way past the due date.
And just to put everyone's mind at ease - I completely plan on having this little one at the hospital with my loving husband and the attentive labor and delivery team. Apparently, they're the only ones that want to be around for this anyway...

So here's the venting:
When I'm out in public, it's common for some stranger to ask me when I'm due. I've learned to stop saying "any minute now..." because they ALWAYS respond with "please don't have your baby here". (It's become obvious that really no one wants to watch a stranger have her baby in public).
Our first experience with that was the Target check-out line. I thought it was funny and blogged about it with good humor. Since then, it's happened much more frequently - in restaurants and even in the elevator at my weekly OB checkup. Almost everyone in the elevator got in on that one, much to my dismay. I'm not sure if these people are joking around with me and just not funny, or if they seriously think that I could go from zero to sixty in the course of 18 floors in a super fast and smooth elevator ride (about 20 seconds). And if they honestly think that just asking me not to have my baby would be sufficient enough for me to be able to hold it in until they're a safe distance away...
And I think the most offensive part is that they assume that I would really like to have my baby there (wherever there is) right with them. Yep - being in labor in a moving elevator with 6 strangers, none of which were doctors, sounds like an ideal birth story to me (or the Target checkout, or the local brunch spot, etc)... how about you?
So now, when people ask me when I'm due, I usually tell them that I'm not due for at least another week. Which is kind of true. But I have a feeling I'll keep telling them that if Baby's still hanging in way past the due date.
And just to put everyone's mind at ease - I completely plan on having this little one at the hospital with my loving husband and the attentive labor and delivery team. Apparently, they're the only ones that want to be around for this anyway...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The waiting game...
So, we're at just under 39 weeks now and Baby could technically come along ANY MINUTE. I've even been experiencing a lot of pre-labor symptoms. I don't want to get too detailed here in case it's a little too personal for someone that might be reading this, but let's just say that my body is already getting started for this event. It's such a weird and mixed bag of emotions too. You know - the standards:
It's great to stay busy though and takes my mind off the backaches and general crampiness of pre-labor.
I'm up for any ideas you might have on how to get Baby to come sooner than later. I've been drinking water like it's my job - AND I walk reasonable distances whenever possible... even do some prenatal yoga from time to time! Feel free to share any ideas you might have for helping this event get started...
And just in case Baby reads this {wink, wink}: Come on out when you're ready, Baby: We love you and we're excited to meet you! :)
- I don't want to be pregnant anymore - this roly poly lifestyle is starting to get the best of me...
- I'm super excited to find out if Baby is a girl or a boy
- Most importantly, I'm excited to meet my baby for the first time and hold and cuddle Baby
It's great to stay busy though and takes my mind off the backaches and general crampiness of pre-labor.
I'm up for any ideas you might have on how to get Baby to come sooner than later. I've been drinking water like it's my job - AND I walk reasonable distances whenever possible... even do some prenatal yoga from time to time! Feel free to share any ideas you might have for helping this event get started...
And just in case Baby reads this {wink, wink}: Come on out when you're ready, Baby: We love you and we're excited to meet you! :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Fun Pregnancy Conversations...
So, Don and I were at the Target on Roosevelt over the weekend, picking up some last minute baby things. We were able to find most of what we still needed, like a crib sheet, a changing pad and even some more toilet paper (gotta stock up, you know?).
Anyway - while we were checking out, the cashier asked us if we were shopping for our own baby - we said yes. She asked "how many months are you?"
"Nine," I replied.
Without hesitating she said, "Please don't have your baby in this store".
I literally laughed out loud. I think she was joking - at least kind of joking. It doesn't even make sense to me that I would be going to Target (especially with someone who could so obviously go without me if we really needed something) or that I would be going ANYWHERE for that matter if I was already far along into labor, with the exception of the hospital, of course. Unless it was maybe to grab some sushi - it's been 9 months, people!
Anyway - while we were checking out, the cashier asked us if we were shopping for our own baby - we said yes. She asked "how many months are you?"
"Nine," I replied.
Without hesitating she said, "Please don't have your baby in this store".
I literally laughed out loud. I think she was joking - at least kind of joking. It doesn't even make sense to me that I would be going to Target (especially with someone who could so obviously go without me if we really needed something) or that I would be going ANYWHERE for that matter if I was already far along into labor, with the exception of the hospital, of course. Unless it was maybe to grab some sushi - it's been 9 months, people!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Long awaited! Nursery Pics!
Sorry it's taken so long to get these posted. Trust me - we've been BUSY. And I'm fairly certain that all experienced parents out there are laughing at me right now thinking that I'm busy...
it's okay - I'm a good sport.
So - here's a picture of the nursery from the dining area:
it's okay - I'm a good sport.
So - here's a picture of the nursery from the dining area:
And here's a close up of the crib:
And, of course, the rocker - where we'll be spending so much of our time:
Here's a close-up of the changing table too - but we have a changing pad there now too - so don't judge:
We still need to add some pictures on the wall - the tree painting and other fun things - like letters that spell out Baby's name and other nice touches, but it's a good start. And we feel more ready to bring Baby home than we have this whole time.
Any minute now, Baby...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hump Day Bump Day! (3/3/10)
Holy dropping babies, Batman! Check out how low Baby is now!
Wow! So the word on the street (AKA - knowledge from Momma Mags) is that first babies come out roughly about three weeks after they drop. This one is officially dropped. That puts me guesstimating the grand arrival at roughly my due date! YAY!
For anyone not in the know - we're officially due on March 19th. However, we just found out that if Baby does make a grand entrance by March 23rd, we're going to go in for an induction. Not too bad, Baby. Just come on out when you're ready - any minute now...

This may not look that low until you compare it to earlier pictures, like the one from just LAST WEEK:
For anyone not in the know - we're officially due on March 19th. However, we just found out that if Baby does make a grand entrance by March 23rd, we're going to go in for an induction. Not too bad, Baby. Just come on out when you're ready - any minute now...
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