Monday, January 18, 2010

It's just a couple of walls, right?

Since we currently live in a loft condo space, we decided that building an extra room in here would be much easier than moving.  Especially since we really like our building, neighborhood and brick & timber condo.

Our buddy, Mike, drew up some plans for us to share with contractors while we're getting bids.  So far - we've only had one contractor out, but this already looks like it might be a bigger deal than we originally thought.  It turns out that the wood flooring went around our walls, instead of under them - if we move our current walls at all, that means we'll need to re-do the entire wood portion of our flooring too.  Sheesh!
 I guess if it was too easy, we would think something was wrong anyway - but did it really need to just about double the original cost we had anticipated?  {sigh}

I am VERY excited to have this room built out though - if for no other reason than I can start cleaning and organizing and putting everything where it goes.   I keep thinking that I'm nesting - but who knows?!  The only thing I really cleaned out was the junk email that I get everyday.  I managed to de-clutter my inbox from about 25 new "come-inside-our-store" emails a day to more around 4.  Not too shabby.

All this to say - I hope we get our room built out before Baby gets here.  Or at least that we agree on a rocker/glider to use in the nursery...
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