we're officially at 31 weeks now. Just a few more days and we'll be at 32 weeks - or 8 months for those of you that don't want to do the math...
here's a picture (courtesy of babycenter.com) showing what Baby is up to now - it's kind of cool to see that Baby actually looks more like a baby now. :)

here's a picture (courtesy of babycenter.com) showing what Baby is up to now - it's kind of cool to see that Baby actually looks more like a baby now. :)
No wonder my belly is getting so big that I waddle! And Baby weighs about the same as 4 naval oranges (3 lbs. 3 oz.). Again - here's a picture for reference:
I feel like we're in the home stretch now - only a couple more months - 10 weeks tops and we'll be welcoming our bundle of joy into this world. I CAN'T WAIT! :)
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