Saturday, January 30, 2010

Construction Has Begun...

So - we found our contractor (he's fabulous so far, btw) and construction started Thursday morning.  Things are a little crazy around our loft, as you can see.  Everything is covered in plastic.

But here's a great shot from our kitchen of the room being built out. 

Another one -

Mark (our builder - have I mentioned that he's been really great so far?!) is coming back Monday to do other builder-y things and hang the dry wall.

It's cool to walk around in the new room area and imagine how we're going to use the room - rocking Baby, feeding Baby - and even just how we're going to decorate. This really brings it home for me - it's hard to ignore (as if my ever-growing belly isn't hard enough to ignore).  Baby is going to be here very soon and we're finally getting to a lot of our final preparations. 

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