Friday, January 1, 2010

Now we are cooking - another Daddy post!

One of my favorite squashes is butternut and today baby is about the size of one of these golden delicious nuggets of the Earth! God has blessed me with some cooking skills, but He is REALLY blessing Amanda by growing that Baby to enormous vegetable sizes! We are getting so excited and I feel like the roller coaster just went over the top of the first hill. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Amanda is doing well but she sleeps a LOT! We are in Ohio for the holiday and she slept for 12 hours the night we got here. And it is not unheard of for her to take as many as 3 naps a day! It gives me time to do one of my projects which is to find every reference in the Bible about how God wants us to raise our children. The project is slow and let's be honest - I will probably never turn it into a book, but I am learning.

We just bought our first real baby item. A car seat! And as you well know, we do not have a car so there is a bit of irony there. However the carrier will fit into our desired stroller - the Bob. I took a week off work (first time off in over a year) and spent most of the time in my new polar bear pj's hence my choice of modeling attire for the pic...

Apparently there is some sort of kickback scheme going on with all these baby product companies because only certain
carriers fit into our chosen stroller and most of them are exPENSive! But we outsmarted the system and got this compatible 30/30 (which will go to 30 lbs or 30 inches) by Peg Perego on EBAY! It was like half price and all the parts that baby can make smell funny are washable. Which is really cools since someone elses baby could have made this one smell funny. We are not ashamed to take second hand stuff, especially when it is such a good deal!

Our Ohio shower is tomorrow and I get to hang out with an entire house full of women. I get to cook for them and wait on their every need. This makes me perfectly happy.

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