Thursday, September 10, 2009

Daddy's First Post

Wow, where to begin? First, I am so thoroughly and unbelievably happy and have been praising God for the amazing gift of life He has placed in my wife's belly. Then I think "sheesh! I have not changed a diaper in, oh, about 16 years". My baby nephew (who had the smelliest diapers of all) turns 18 in five short months! Do I remember how to do it? Uhm, has the technology changed? As if changing diapers is going to be the biggest hurdle for me. The truth is I was always able to give those kids back to sister and head home every night. I never had the 3 am wake up feedings, etc. I still have much to learn. Or to re-learn.
So here I sit at the fine young age of 38 (in less than a month). I did the math and technically I am old enough to be a grandpa... I actually have a cousin that has been a grandma for many years now, so it is true. No age limits for entering fatherhood. Good. Check.
I have to say, even though I knew we would have a family (maybe a dog named Sue or a kitty cat, and even discussed outsourcing some kids) but I never really envisioned myself as being a father-to-be. So I am still getting used to this being real. Real. REAL. I've decided I need to post some regular pictures of myself to challenge Amanda's Hump Day Bump Day photo series. But alas my stomach will not grow (I hope). Maybe a shot of stress lines? Or I could start working out again and take weakly pictures of my "guns". (Please, please... quit laughing). I am open to suggestions. And I would love to hear any comments from the Daddy's reading this - real world stories appreciated but please avoid the desire to scare me. Seriously. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad I'm too young to be a Great Aunt, love annette
