Sunday, September 20, 2009

Letting Baby be just a baby...

For awhile now, Don and I have gone back and forth about whether we want to find out if Baby is a boy or a girl.  Don doesn't want to know until Baby is born - but at first I did want to know - ASAP.  Of course, we don't even have the option of finding out until the end of October - when baby is about 5 months into formation.  That's when they do the "fun" ultrasound - otherwise known as the "privates-seeking-ultrasound".

There are many many reasons for both sides of this particular argument and neither side is right or wrong.  So it just kind of comes down to - what do WE REALLY want?  Do we want to know - or would we rather just let it happen?

After thinking about it a lot, I've decided that for me, the only real benefit to knowing is being able to bond more by calling Baby by name sooner, while Baby is still in the womb.  However, there seem to be a lot of benefits to waiting.  One - people have done it that way forever and it would be neat to do it the way our folks and their folks and their folk's folks did it - (but this is kind of weak.  Mostly because if we have this available to us, why not use it?)  And sometime ultrasounds can be wrong anyway (even though that's not nearly as common anymore with the advancements in today's technology).  But the best one yet, is that I would end up buying the stuff that we really need for Baby, like diapers and cribs and strollers, instead of the super-cute baby clothes that I see all the time at the store when shopping for maternity gear - or even when just shopping for toilet paper and detergent.  Who can pass up buying cute baby clothes?  Not me.  Seriously. 

So - back to my point.  After much consideration, we've decided to wait and not find out if Baby is a he-male or a she-male.  We'll give Baby these few extra months in the womb to just be our baby and we don't have to worry about pink or blue.  The time will come when Baby will join us here on the outside of my body and then we'll all know.  And besides - I can use cute little nicknames for Baby and bond, bond, bond our prenatal time away.

Btw - 'm pretty sure that Baby is a girl and Don is pretty sure that Baby is a boy - so until Baby gets here, I guess we'll just be arguing at dinner parties over Baby's gender - unless Doc slips up at one of our many, many office visits in the upcoming months...
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