Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Official!

We're finally to the 12 week mark (actually, 12 weeks and 2 days according to the ultrasound today).  We think we're close enough to the 2nd trimester to start leaking the good news!  I even made sure to let my manager at work know, so it's officially official now.  (My manager is awesome and so excited.  Thanks, Joanna!)  :)

We had our monthly checkup appointment today too.   We were scheduled to hear the heartbeat at today's appointment, but the doctor couldn't pick it up on her "heartbeat listening equipment thing" (terminology mine), so she went ahead and did a quick ultrasound instead.  Isn't that great?  We were able to see Baby's head and arms and watch Baby move around - and she gave us some pictures to take home too.  I'll post those shortly.

The OB/GYN that we're going to has 4 doctors in that office that take turns with deliveries on evenings/weekends - so I meet with a different one at each of my monthly check-ups - just in case my doc isn't the one on-duty when Baby decides to join us on the outside of my womb.  I wasn't sure if I would like the doctor rotation situation - but I think all the doctors are really great so far.  They take their time to make sure all our questions are answered and just have a calming way about them.

I haven't gained any weight so far, but I'm excited to balloon up like a proper preggo as the second trimester commences.  Weight gain, here I come!  :)

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  1. Don, did you write that last paragraph? :-P

  2. Funny! Actually - I made Don promise me that he would gain weight with me. He hasn't complained yet!
