Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mocktails - A pregnant girl's best friend...

It can be rough to be a pregnant girl in the city.  So much of city life is built around socializing and meeting friends for a drink or coffee.  Both of which are either banned or limited from my consumption... but I'm finding ways around it.

When I go out for coffee, I can order a decaf latte and get some calcium and dairy with a jolt of coffee taste and a fraction of the caffeine that I would normally get.  Or iced tea has been one of my favorites lately.  "Iced Venti 2-Bag Wild Sweet Orange Tea, please".  yummy!

Cocktails, on the other hand, have been eluding me.  What's an acceptable alternative a lovely martini?  At first, I would order cranberry and soda.  Then I started switching it up to cranberry and ginger ale (actually not as bad as it sounds).  And at house parties, I found that drinking my juice blends and/or ginger ale in a wine or martini glass actually made it easier to forget that I wasn't really drinking anything "naughty".  ("naughty" meaning - not for the preggos.)

But this weekend, my friend, Lindsay, made some for-serious non-alcoholic cocktails for us!  We call these blessed things Mocktails for obvious reasons.  And they were absolutely delicious!  There were some fruity ones, that I honestly didn't believe were non-alcoholic at first.  And there were some creamy chocolate ones too - very delicious.  Let's just say that Lindsay is truly a mixologist.  She's amazing.  She just is.

My goal now - to find a restaurant or bar where I can order one of these mocktails.  Someone has got to have something like this, right?  Or are they common knowledge?  Something you can get anywhere?

And not the classic Shirley Temple blah, blah, blah.  But you know - the wonderfulness that Linds was mixing up.  Anyone know of anything like that in the city?

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