Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fun things about pregnancy...

There are many things about pregnancy that aren't fun.  I've experienced quite a few of them so far.  "Morning" sickness/nausea  (which lasts all day), crazy horrible heartburn that only smoothie-flavored Tums can cure, getting up 3 times in the middle of the night every night just to pee... 

But I'm finding that there are some really fun things about being pregnant too: being required to eat lots of calories (well-balanced, of course) and the cream of the crop - new clothes!  Of course, a lot of the "new" clothes, are really just new to me - but who cares?  They're so cute!  (My sister, Renee, let me borrow a bunch of clothes that she used when she was pregnant. Thanks, Renee!)

It's tricky because I'm not big enough to require actual maternity clothes yet - and probably won't be until at least 2-3 more months, but I'm starting to stress out some of my buttons...  I learned some tricks for extending waistlines during pregnancy involving hair ties and another trick with something called a belly band - which should work for at least a little while longer - but what do I do when those don't really work anymore?

Seriously - what's a girl with an ever-growing belly to do about this?  Go shopping, that's what.  This girl is on a serious budget, so I'm hitting an outlet mall and some clearance racks with Momma Mags this weekend while Don is sailing the Tri-State. 

And that, friends and loved ones, is a fun part of pregnancy.  :)

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